This short article provides a few snippets that work to clean up the default CMake build configurations and make them more useful to developing and releasing software on Windows. Namely making sure that debugging symbols are available in the Release configuration, and removing two of the configurations that don’t make much sense.

Release with Debug Symbols

The main issue is that the default Release configuration does not emit symbol files which you will need to keep once you release the software. These symbol files are important to keep so you can debug and process crash dumps that you get from users of your software.

There is a RelWithDebInfo configuration which is meant to be used as “release with debugging”, but it actually has different build parameters to the Release configuration so the binaries built are not identical. While this may help with debugging, having symbols for the released software is still the best way to go.

To enable generating symbol files in a Release build just add this to your top level CMakeLists.txt file before any executables or libraries are defined.

# Make Release mode emit PDB for compiled artifacts

This adds the appropriate compiler and linker options to the Release configuration. Of course this only works on MSVC so if you are working on a multi-platform project then you need to wrap it up with an if (MSVC) ... endif (). (And of course figure the appropriate flags out for the other platforms.)

Removing RelWithDebInfo and MinSizeRel

The other issue I have is that in most Windows projects the RelWithDebInfo and MinSizeRel configurations don’t make much sense and just clutter up the Visual Studio UI. The RelWithDebInfo config doesn’t make sense once the Release config has symbols being generated for it, and the MinSizeRel isn’t really needed unless you’re working in constrained environments and want a smaller executable size.

If you want to experiment with a minimum size release then you can either change the build flags on the actual release config, or temporarily bring back MinSizeRel, experiment, and then copy over the build settings to the actual Release config. It doesn’t make much sense to have multiple release type configurations in the same project long term.

This short snippet can be used to disable these two configurations, or rather enable only Debug and Release configurations. The main tricky point is that this has to be put into your top level CMakeLists.txt file before the first project() directive, otherwise it will not have any effect.

# Only have Release and Debug configurations